So you’ve signed up to the WM community? What next…

So you’ve used the post below to register or sign-in?

Great! What next?

Well, to help you navigate your way around, here are some helpful links and screenshots so you can feel at home, right away.

Update your Profile

You may have already filled in the profile fields when you registered or signed in, but maybe not.

It might be worth checking it out anyway but navigating to Profile>View or to edit it Profile>Edit.

You can also put up a profile and cover photo if you wish.

Please check you’re happy with what’s on there as it will be public and others will see your profile. You may make your profile private to all, some or no-one.

News Feed

Next up, you will want to go to the News Feed, which is under the Community tab on the main menu.

Here you can post status updates in the same way you can on other social media platforms. Try it out and say hi to the community.

Connections and Followers

You will also be able to scroll down and see posts from others here, which will populate more as you follow and connect with more fellow members.

  • What is the difference between a connection and follower?
  • A connection is like a friend on other platforms – so you can DM etc. A follower simply gets updates on that person’s activity on their news feed (timeline).
  • How do you follow someone?
  • You click on the 3 dots on the main part of their profile, near their profile picture.
  • How to you ‘friend’ someone?
  • You click on the ‘connect’ button on their profile.

You can do this by clicking on Community>Members.

You will also be able to see groups and forums which you are a member on the side bars. Initially you may not be part of all of these. Some of the are also for courses and groups and you won’t get access unless you’re part of that group or course.

So next up, as I mentioned them, are the groups.

Groups and Forums

Under Community>Groups>WM Community Group you will arrive at the free community group for everyone who signs up to the site.

The Hub Members group is for Hub members – you can sign up to the Hub at any time.

There are also sub-groups which I shall explain in a moment that sit within the two main groups in the image above.

  • What is the difference between a group and a forum?
  • Groups are like facebook groups and you can post and interact in there, but the feed can quickly become clogged, so it’s good for updates or news or whatever, but less useful for meaningful discussion, which should take place on the forums, such as ‘Can you recommend this…’ or ‘what do you think about that…’

This should be your first stop for groups – it is here:

It is an open and public group, so do keep that in mind when posting etc. And mind your Ps and Qs.


There is the main feed, which looks just like a Facebook group, and there’s subgroups.

If you click on that tab, it will take you to various subgroups for age categories etc to have a more niche chat, if you like.

You can see those on the left here.

We can and will open other groups as time passes but this should be good for a start.

You can be a member of all, some or none of these. Everyone is automatically a member but you can ‘leave’.

We also have Forums, which are places for Discussion of a longer format – the difference is explained above and below in the FAQs.

DMs, reporting and blocking

We also have a DM function for those who are ‘connected’ so nothing unsolicited.

We also have reporting and blocking functions, so you can use those on posts that are offensive or on individuals who you do not wish to see posting.

I hope this little tour helps you to get started and can’t wait to see you in the groups and forums chatting all things writing and books!

I am doubling up posting the FAQs which I know are on the other post, but you might have missed it:

  • How do you follow someone?
  • You click on the 3 dots on the main part of their profile, near their profile picture.
  • How to you ‘friend’ someone?
  • You click on the ‘connect’ button on their profile.
  • What is the difference between a connection and follower?
  • A connection is like a friend on other platforms – so you can DM etc. A follower simply gets updates on that person’s activity on their news feed (timeline).
  • How to I join a group?
  • Most groups are open (with the exception of any that are included in a paid membership) so you just have to click on them to join.
  • What is the difference between a group and a forum?
  • Groups are like facebook groups and you can post and interact in there, but the feed can quickly become clogged, so it’s good for updates or news or whatever, but less useful for meaningful discussion, which should take place on the forums, such as ‘Can you recommend this…’ or ‘what do you think about that…’
  • Can I update my profile?
  • Yes, you simply need to be logged in, then click your profile picture (or name) on the top right of the site and you will see a dropdown menu which includes profile>edit.
  • Does this cost any money?
  • No, the majority of the network is free – we do have a few private groups for Hub members etc but we won’t be charging for the social network part, but it does cost us money to run, so you can buy us a Kofi if you feel like what we’ve created adds value for you.
  • What do I do if I have any other questions?
  • Contact us via our contact form.
Want to join a supportive online writing community? Join the WriteMentor Hub.

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